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tv   Action News at Ten on PHL17  WPHL  December 17, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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monday night, if you are christmas day plans included seeing a movie, you now have have one less option at the theater. why sony has pulled a controversial comedy. and, free at last, an american hostage held in cuba is back home tonight and his release could mark a new era in relations between the two countries, breaking 50 years of ice. that is the big story on "action news" tonight is tragic death of a bucks county teenager who is being fondly remembered tonight. >> family and friend gathered in bensalem this evening to remember 16 year-old minnet
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zeka, police say she was struck and killed crossing a bensalem boulevard at bridge water road trying to catch her best this morning and another teenager was driving a car that hit her. "action news" reporter kenneth moton joins us live from the scene, kenneth. >> reporter: shirleen, the school district says there have have been other accidents at this busy intersection over the years, but that is why so many are asking tonight, what is next to stop another tragedy? tonight, it started with a handfull of friend lighting can also, honoring 16 year-old bensalem high sophomore mennet z eka, it turned into this dozens holding a vigil. >> she will be missed buy a lot of people. >> i want everybody to remember that he was a free spirit, and that she was, she was her own person. >> reporter: this morning investigators say she was crossing bensalem boulevard at bridge water road to catch her waiting bus. it stopped sign out, and its
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flashing red lights, activated but police say an 18 year-old bucks county technical high school student in a ford broncho failed to stop and slam in the girl in the crosswalk. >> i talk to her every inning will morning at this bus stop and it is tragic to see something like this could ever happen. >> reporter: grieving family members were at the vigil a as friend letter her, a cousin simply said this should not have happened. >> it is with great sadness. >> reporter: wednesday night's school board meeting a moment of silence and word of possible changes. >> we will look at where kids cross streets. we will look at the time of the day. we will will look at possibly trying to move, pick up point closer to homesites. >> reporter: the it can be tough to combat distract drivers or those who ignore stop signs on buses, so the superintendent is advising reflective gear for students and parent to talk with their kids. >> work with them a get them thinking about survival because, drivers are distract. >> reporter: her family and friend say whatever it takes. >> at least have more lights for a crossing guard but if they want better action, then
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to take the the bus stop and move to it a place where it is not harmful. >> reporter: this accident is still under investigation, and charges are pen ago begins that 18 year-old driver, so his name, had has in the been released, shirleen. reporting live from bensalem, kenneth moton for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> kenneth, thank you. a york man is charged in connection with this horrific crash back in august, that killed three students from council rock high school south. investigators say michael wear from new york gave his 15 year-old daughter the the keys to his reek will, she didn't have have a driver's license. ryan lesher, cullen keffer and shamus digney were killed in the crash which happen in the poconos. wear faces charges including involuntary manslaughter. new information tonight, in the investigation into the montgomery county murder spree that claimed the lives of six people. "action news" has learned that authorities still don't know how brad stone died. it was first thought he died from a cutting or slashing
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wound but now it turns out he a had just a small injury to his leg. but they did find two medicine bottles near his body and a powdery substance on a energy drink can. toxicology tests are penning. also found next to stone were a bloody man shed i and double edged axe. student at fels high school in northeast philadelphia was arrested for bringing a gun to school will today. weapon came to the a attention of school officials, because another student, took a picture. the the cool was then put on lock down, while police launched a search, the 38 caliber unloaded revolver was found inside of a trash can, four students were taken in for questioning. this was the moment, five years in the making, allen gross, an american prisoner, held in cuba, since 2009, stepped off a plane in virginia today and right in the arms of his wife, and family. that emotional reunion came as president obama made a stunning announcement, the end of what he called the outdated
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approach to that communist island nation and the beginning of normalized relations. that could mean an american embassy in cuba, even the easing of some economic sanctions. >> through these changes, we intend to create more opportunities, for the american and cuban people. to get a new chapter, a among the nation's of the americas. >> well, reaction to the president's plan was swift, today, both in washington and in right here at home. "action news" reporter dann cuellar spoke with several cuban americans here in philadelphia a day. he is live in old it i tonight, dann, lots of celebrations, right there. >> reporter: ah, that is right, brian, and the name, cuba libre translates into free cuba, in english. and it is here tonight that people gathered to celebrate the president's announcement but they also gathered elsewhere to commemorate the the event. philadelphia a's city managing director richard mcvin was
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with family and friend tonight celebrating. it may all seem jarring to cuban americans who shun opening relation was a oppressive regime but he says only one suffering for the the last 50 years during the embargo have been the people of cuba. >> we have been trying to starve cuba into submission, and the only people starving are the people, not the leader. the the plan has in the been working. what you see today is a step in the right direction. >> reporter: for him the announcement is very personal. after his parents fled cuba to come to the u.s. his father went back to negotiate with fidel castro for release of 3,000 political prisoner. he succeeded but in the tender age of 13, richard would see his father gunned down by a radical anti castro group who was fur vently begins any dealings with the cuban leader. >> it is so important. it is work that my father believed in. today it is release of political prisoners. tomorrow maybe an openness toward dissenting roycees and openness toward free speech and press. >> reporter: then is there
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george fernandes of doylestown, his family fled cuba decade ago and has been pushing for open relations between the u.s. and cuba jim gardner and "action news" caught up with him in cuba back in 1998 when pope john paul the second would deliver what now seems to be a message. cuba must open up to the world and world must open up to kuhn a just last year fernandes was with the group who spent a week with pope francis vowed to make pope john paul words come true. >> that inn teed the word spoken by pope john paul, ii, that cuba must be free, and he was very involved with this, as you know, with both president obama and president castro. >> reporter: he kept his promise when he told you that. >> he kept his promise with me. >> reporter: finally meet, this man. >> i consider myself cuban. >> reporter: air again teen by birth he lived in cuba for many years and married a cuban before coming to america. he is a chef at cubcuba
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>> thinks the the wall coming down. it is huge, huge. >> reporter: of course, as the president indicated this is in the a done deal yet but still a very significant day in history, after five decades, and in some cuban americans see it, the dawn of a new day for them and many of their relatives and friend back in cuba we are live in olde city, i'm dann cuellar for "action news" at ten on phl17. shirleen. >> thanks, dane. colder weather is moving in, it is going to feel like winter when you wake up in the morning. lets go to meteorologist cecily tynan at the big board, cecily. >> winter officially arrives in four days. the it business time we get cool air and it will be a arriving overnight, on westerly wind. currently philadelphia a is reporting a wind ustained at 14 miles an hour. dover, 15. and allentown 12 miles per hour. and this is really ushering in colder temperatures. right now philadelphia is still holding on in the 40's,
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41 degrees. our high, second day in the row 53 but you can see, to arrests, temperatures are in the lower 30's and that air mass is moving our way in the overnight hours. and also, we're going to be dealing with gusty wind really throughout the day tomorrow. the currently in philadelphia wind chill make make it feel like 33. it feels like 17 in pitberg. it is not that cold in the morning. we're looking at wind chills in the 20's. you definitely want to bundle up. e in thening rush hour 30's, but again, it will be blustery, wind chills in the lower 20's, and, we will see plenty of sun behind but that actually could cause some problems for the morning commute. we are looking at some bad sun glare, i'll talk about more sun on the way, when, we check through your weekend and track our next chance of the storm coming up in the full accu weather seven day forecast, brian. >> cecily, thank you. a delaware church has been target of the vandalism sometimes four to five times a week. the pastor of the christ our king church of west 28th street in wilmington says
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someone has been leaving animal waste on the steps and in the doors of that church. this has been happening for about a year now. father ohio brennan says christ the king is not the only place of worship dealing with this problem. >> at first i thought maybe someone just had something against christ our king but then i come to realize that other faiths, other houses of worship, faith communities are also experiencing the problem. >> wilmington police tell us that the pastor, that they are aware, and they will check on that church more frequently during the overnight hours. two men who allegedly sawed their way in the northeast philadelphia a target store are behind bars tonight, police say they cut that large hole, through a fire door in the store on roosevelt boulevard, overnight, and security officers spotted them around 1:00 in the morning. police were called and found them four hours later, stacked on top of each other, hiding in ventilation ducts in the roof. investigators are now trying to figure out if daniel bethea
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and daniel mcmilan junior are linked to six other burglaries a at local target stores in the last month. they have a big announcement that is still ahead, plus, it has been eight days since an nfl quarterback flips his truck in the crash, an update on cam newton's recovery. two bickering pundits get called out on live television by their mother and she gives them a ear full, you've got to see this video coming up at 10:30 tonight and sharrie williams is here. >> reporter: hi, guys, we are following the major decision by sony to drop one of its movies. it was supposed to be a christmas day hit, but instead it is stirring some controversy, we will hear from movie
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it is the movie that are everyone is talking about but you won't see it in theaters next week n an unprecedented move sony says it is canceling december 25th release of the interview. the movie was about a plot to kill north korean leader kim june un. there were threats of violence made against movie goers and now we know north korea is behind those threats and it is responsible for hacking into
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sony's e-mail. >> "action news" reporter sharrie williams is live in manayunk tonight. sharrie, you've got reaction to this. not many people saw it coming. >> reporter: yeah, brian and shirleen, we found strong opinion on both sides. those who say release it, it is just a movie, but other say it is down right is respectful and this is supposed to be a comedy but there are, those that say this is no laughing matter. >> if you were hoping to see the new comedy movie starring set rogan. >> who here is here. >> reporter: forget it, at least for now. hollywood giant sony pull the plug on its controversial movie the interview, canceling its christmas day release. the decision comes after thousands of theaters across the country dropped the comedy about a plan to a a as nate, north korean leader kim june un. movie goers at manayunk's united artist, weighing in. >> it was a smart idea.
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it was kind of stupid to think of something like that. he is alive. >> i actually don't agree. i feel like they have to release it, first amendment right, freedom of speech and expression. >> reporter: it started out as a cyber attack on sony by a group calling itself the guard yans of peace but it has ballooned to movie goers being threaten if they go to see the film. >> i think that they are doing it right by taking the the threat seriously. >> reporter: others say dropping the movie, sends a message of fear. >> it definitely is an asterisk of doing and saying what you want or what you think, you know, is funny. sensor yourself like that. it is weird. >> reporter: in than a interest right with abc news, president obama echoed the fbi ape said there is in credibility to the threats. >> we will be vigilant f we see something, we think is another just and credible, then we will alert the public but for now, my recommendation would be that people go to the movies. >> reporter: go to the movies,
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but the interview, likely at this point will not be an option, sony did release a statement and in it it says it has been the victim of an unprecedented criminal assault and that it is disappointed by this outcome. we are live in manayunk, sharrie williams, "action news" at ten on phl17. >> there might be more curiosity about this movie a as we move forward. going now to the accu weather forecast as we look a head to a stormy christmas eve. >> but first lets track another storm this weekend that may actually miss us. cecily tynan is live with the latest for us, cecily. >> one storm this weekend will likely miss us to the south and christmas eve storm will likely bring us rain, not the snow. the past two days though, simply didn't feel like we're only four days away from winter. yesterday 53. today 53. that is 9 degrees above normal. warmest weather we have had since december 1st when we hit 65 degrees. but now temperatures are beginning to fall. philadelphia is 41 degrees.
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millville 39. wilmington 39. allentown 37. reading 36. lancaster 37 degrees. you factor in the wind, win chills make it feel like 33 in philadelphia. thirty-one in dover. feels like temperatures are in the 20's across northwestern suburbs and wind chills will be down in the 20's for your morning commute. satellite six along with action radar showing a few clouds here or there, low pressure, well up to the north, combining the high pressure, and currently moving in from the west. what this does is create a wind tunnel effect. so tomorrow the wind will be, just about as strong as this afternoon, we have had wind, gusting up to 30 miles per hour. so the morning rush hour, lots of sunshine, the problem that will likely create on bad sun glare. it will be windy, chilly at 6:00 o'clock 32. by 7:33. by 8:00 o'clock 34 degrees. wind chills will be in the 20's for your morning commute. as we head through the day we will see sunshine tomorrow but a chilly wind. the high a seasonable
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44 degrees in philadelphia a. allah even town 42. wilmington 43. trenton 43. millville 45. don't let these numbers deceive you, you factor in the wind, the feels like temperature, the wind chill, tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 really across the board only in the low to mid 30's. you definitely want to bundle up. i will talk more about the weekend and what is expect on christmas eve coming up with the full a accu weather seven day forecast, shirleen. >> thanks, cecily. panthers quarterback cam newton is back on the practice field, despite suffering two fracture in his back during a car accident. newton participated in drills and did some practice. on december 9th newton flip his truck after being hit by another vehicle. on that note, time for a first look at sports tonight. word that another eagle will be sidelined this weekend. >> ducis rodgers is live in the "action news" sports center with the very latest on that hi there ducis. >> in trent cole for saturday's game a at
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washington. he had surgery to repair a broken bone in his hand. now, the eagles should be able to win without him. should. jamie apody reports. >> last time eagles faced redskins feels like a hundred years ago, in reality it has been 13 weeks and everything has change. three win skins are waiting out the season, the the bird trying to extend their. >> we have everything to play for, i don't know how they will look at the the game but we are looking at it as a playoff game. we have very, very little chance of going to the playoffs. >> if you lose this one it is not good at all we are out of the playoffs at this point. this is a a do or die situation. >> reporter: also give desean jackson a chance spoil his old team's playoff hopes. desean has been talking taking a hit at receiving core saying jeremy maclin is all they've got. >> i think they still got to get you high school, college, once you get to the nfl we are trying to get lombardi. >> it is all business here this week. welshing almost all business.
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shady mccoy on instagram, had a little fun at his old buddy dezahn jackson's expense. >> this is jackie know from five years ago. they me the ball, cousin. >> i set the tone. he is laughing about it. i'm trying to get a laugh, get back to winning. >> with a win of everyone over except desean. jamie a apody for "action news" at ten on phl17. ahead neck half an hour we will hear what redskins are saying about saturd
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a night of music at chester community charter school east campus. >> ♪ let it go, let it go >> there it is, kind of, the timeless music from frozen, first ever holiday concert for cccf. three other campuses will hold similar concerts in the coming days. in south philadelphia
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tonight it was tough to figure out who was the star of this holiday party, was it phillies fanatic or sanity clause himself. they both showed up at pal center for early christmas treat. phillies broadcaster scott palmer got the kids pumped up for the party and phillies donated $10,000 to the pal center. if this was in the enough, every kid to the to pick out a brand new toy. local synagogue has created one of the most creative, men in other as we have ever seen. they are calling this is world's largest balloon menorah because it is 2 feet taller than current record holder. that puts it at 22 feet tall, balloon menorah stand outside the congregations in the city's somerset section. it has earned a world record for world's largest draidle.
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we have much more coming up in the next half an hour including a couple of bickering brothers who get called out by their mom, on television. it is priceless. at 10:45 the local community and bank step into help mummers last remaining fancy club strut at least one more year. next up a semi driver who fell asleep behind a wheel and caused a deadly crash on route 222 faces a judge and victim's
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we thank you for joining us here is a look the a the big stories we are covering on "action news" at ten on phl17. >> bensalem police are investigating a tragic accident tonight, a 16 year-old girl was struck and killed by an suv this morning, she was crossing the street to get on her school bus when she was hit, the 18 year-old driver that police say hit her is in custody right now.
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tonight authorities are still trying to figure out how montgomery county murder suspect bradley stone died. it was first thought he died from a cutting or slashing wound, but now it turns out he had just a small your to his leg. but they did find two medicine bottles near his body and a powdery substance on a energy drink can. toxicology tests are penning. and, sony had has pull the movie the interview, it will not be release on christmas day now because of threats of violence against movie goers made by north korea. we will begin tonight at 10:30 with the latest in the deadly tractor trail are crash that killed two people in maiden creek township last month. steven burner was seen leaving court today have after a preliminary hearing. the 50 year-old faces several charges including homicide by vehicle and a aggravated a assault after this horrific route 222 pile up on november 19th. police say he confessed to falling asleep behind the wheel of his tractor trailer,
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several people were injured and two people jeremy augusteen and jane harcool were killed. his attorney says he does not think this should even be a criminal case. >> i don't feel that steve is being treated fairly with the court system, and one of the d.a.'s decide to bring charges in this case. it was simply an accident. >> reporter: prosecutors say he had a responsibility to pull over and by not doing so, he was grossly negligent, and reckless. tonight police are looking for a man robbed a metro pc s store in northeast philadelphia he hit the store in the 6600 block of castor avenue around 7:00 o'clock and got away with a phone and $400 cash. police are trying to see if there is a a connection between this robbery and another metry pcs store last week. a delaware county doctor has been arrested for allegedly running a pill mill out of his office in media only "action news" reporter chad pradelli wases there as
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that doctor was taken into cuss todd toy day this place is nothing more than a pill mill. >> reporter: only "action news" was there as delaware county detectives raided doctor lawrence wean's practice on baltimore pike. they described the office as a junkie jackpot for the the addict. people could walk in, and then quickly walk out with a prescription for painkillers and other drugs. detectives went under cover, questions were few, and in one instance, district attorney jack whalen says doctor wean, asked the under cover officer what he would prescribe if he were the doctor. >> no medical examination, no range of motion examination, not even his vital signs were taken during these office visits. >> reporter: as doctor wean was escorted to be charged with felony insurance fraud and narcotic distribution charges he denied the allegations. >> this is all wrong, all wrong. >> reporter: these are people with serious drug addictions do you feel responsible at all. >> no, i'm a good doctor and i
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take care of people. >> reporter: it is unclear how clear the operation has been underway but on the medical web site doctor wean is the recipient of reviews, many of which detail the alleged operation. in one the person writes if you come in for pain management he demand $300.01 time he writes you a script for oxycodone. he only takes cash. another writes, i do not recommend even my worst enemy to see him, doctors are supposed to save lives, not ruin them. >> kids are becoming a addict, and they are dying as a result of what doctor wean and other doctors are doing and it must be stopped. >> reporter: a bail was set at $500,000. at last check he did not post bond. in media, chad pradelli for "action news" at ten on phl17. nascar driver curt bushh told a delaware judge that he repeatedly told his ex-girlfriend to leave his met or home the night she claims
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burba salted her. patricia driscoll is trying to keep burba way from her now. driscoll testified yesterday saying bush choke her, and smash her head into a wall at that met or home, at dover international speed way in september. bush's lawyers have denied, all of the allegations. a local seven year-old received a farewell, fit for a hero today. fire fighters paid their respects to aiden reag will who lost his battle to cancer. it was his dream to be a fire fighter. the department in his home town of washington township made him an honorary member last year. word spread and soon department all over the world, added his name to their rosters. dozens of dogs and puppies were rescued yesterday from a home in lancaster county. there were 62 in all there found inside of that house and the garage. the reek will will scattered all around the the property. the owner is expected to face cruelty charges but there is good news tonight, a all of these dogs are at pennsylvania
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spca headquarters and they will soon be ready for adoption. but despite the horror story of how they lived, incredibly cute animals there tonight. >> adorable. someone will adopt them for sure. >> i think so. time for the the accu weather forecast. if you liked today's mild temperature, it will continue. >> yes, it will. >> i hope you like it. >> because it is over. we are going to be cooling off, actually, more seasonal levels. it vice mild past two days but now, temperatures are beginning to tumble. taking a look at temperatures across the region, philadelphia right now in center city dropped down to 40 degrees. saint david 36. quake are town 36. slatington 31. tannersville currently at 32 degrees. heading in south jersey and delaware temperatures dropping in the 30's and interior south jersey cinnaminson, 39 degrees. glassboro, 39. hockessin, delaware 38 degrees. tad warmer along the shore. sea isle city at 40 degrees as
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well as all of the shore points up to toms river. satellite six a along with action radar showing low pressure is just spinning, over northern maine and this is what is helping pull down the wind, westerly wind, we a had wind gusts up to 30 miles an hurry to day and we will keep those win gusts throughout the night and really throughout the day tomorrow. so future tracker is showing a shock to the system tomorrow, 7:30 in the morning. wind chills will be in the 20's. the it is time to find the winter gear, again, and really it will be chilly tomorrow. 44 degrees, which is seasonal and cool. but then factor in the wind, wind chills in the mid 30's throughout the day. good amount of sunshine. as we head into friday high pressure builds in and this will bring us more sunshine. it will begin to diminish the winds. 43 degrees. seasonal. that high pressure will have a bit of the role in protecting us over the weekend from a storm system to the south. future tracker showing friday, morning around 10:30 low pressure really begins to gather some moisture from the
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gulf of mexico but as we put this into motion by saturday, 5:00 o'clock you can feel all this moisture is well down to the south. we will get a few clouds tossed our way but the track is really change since yesterday. yesterday, all the computer models are showing this low pressure merging off the coast of the carolinas and working out to the north and east bringing us a brush of some light precipitation. now the trendies keeping that low, well to the south, moving off the coast of georgia and then out to sea, and as long as it holds that track we're looking at a dry weekend with just some clouds here or there so it looks like a storm system most likely will be a miss. things could change. i'll keep you posted. the exclusive accu weather seven day forecast, chilly wind tomorrow, 44 degrees. the partly sunny. wind chills in the 30's. on than friday a a nice day sun with a few clouds, seasonal. 43 degrees. the saturday as long as that storm stays to the south we are looking at partly cloudy skies, a lit built on the cool side 40 degrees. sunday, winter officially arrives at 6:03 in the evening
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with increasing clouds, 44 degrees, and then on monday a weak system pulling through will bring us clouds with some showers, the high on monday, 46 degrees, tuesday, clouds, and east terly flow pulling in some moisture in the form of drizzle, 50 degrees, and then wednesday tracking what could be a pretty intense storm system but it looks like this will track to our west. we will be on the warm side of the storm. i know a lot of people are dreaming of the white christmas but that track would bring us a wet, windy christmas eve. 54 degrees. i think santa may have a rain slicker, on christmas eve but it could cause some traveling problems. >> rodolph has some fog lights on. >> rodolph has his nose. >> he is good. >> thanks, cecily. >> listen to this... >> ♪ >> can you hear the screams there? jt is in town tonight, and fans pack the wells fargo center to see justin timberlake perform at his suit
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and tie. he is on the last leg of his 2020 experience world tour and pack house there in south philadelphia. wish i could be there but i would rather be with you. >> i'm kidding. still ahead, actor steven collins offers an apology tonight. plus, a meteorologist is confront by an angry gunman and couple bickering brothers are called out on tv by their mom. we have to see this memorable exchange coming up next.
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hey guys...guys! pillsbury cinnamon rolls, with cinnabon cinnamon, are an irresistable sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. make breakfast pop! i like to mix things up a bit with grands mini pot pies only four ingredients. and a few easy steps. week night dinner in a flash. and my family devours them. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop.
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a candle light vigil was held in center city to remember 148 victims of an attack on the school in pakistan. dozens of people, including many children turned out to offer prayers, and mourned the young victims. pakistani taliban has claim responsibility for that slaughter, most of the victims were young children who were shot by gunman, disguised as soldiers. police in texas are looking for person who shot a television meteorologist today. patrick crawford was leaving his station mere waco, this morning when the gun man walk up to him. the two exchange words before hots were fired.
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crawford drove away and flag down a nearby construction worker and then was rushed to the hospital and taken into surgery. former seventh heaven a actor steven collins now admits he sexually boosted three young girls decades ago. in a statement to people mag even collins says quote any pain i caused these three women i admit to, apologize for and take responsibility for what i did. collins says incidents happened between 1973 and 1994. two bickering pundits went after each other on cspan but listen to this exchange. >> tea party was a creation of the insurance company. >> oh, it was not. >> it was not. >> i was very glad that this thanksgiving was a year that you two were supposed to go to your in laws and i'm hoping you'll have some of this out of your system when you come here for christmas.
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i would really like a peaceful christmas, and i love you both. >> i love her. >> her boys are done bickering by christmas when she sees them. he says she just wants a peaceful christmas. that is it. >> long, suffering mother right there. >> seriously. >> this year we will get a double dose of the mummers and golden sunrise is facing its final parade this year. we will tell but unexpect support that will keep fancies strutting. don't forget to wake up with the "action news" team to get morning's top news headlines, weather and traffic starting at 4:30 a.m. only on s
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a major announcement about the mummers, they are planning another parade, and in the philadelphia mummers mardi gras and manayunk parade. our cameras caught congressman bob brady doing his best mummers strut as the organization announced its scheduled parade for february between the second. looks good. it will be fund raising event, as they tell us, some groups have hit hard times.
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>> john lucas has been a mummer for 67 years. he has been with the golden sunrise fancy club for 43 of them and can tell but every costume in the club's warehouse. >> this suit was built in 1960, and pieces, and all mummers basement. >> reporter: it is the presidential seal, a symbol on a ring of steel. >> i love the the colors. i mean look at that orange. >> you have to see it, new years day. that will all get pinted, both sides and the back centered. >> reporter: thought that this years mummers parade might be their last was agonizing for john, plus president jack cohen on the right and other club members. initially help came from an unlikely source. jerry shelled even join golden sunrise shortly after she moved to philadelphia from san francisco. >> when i moved here i saw mummers outside my windows the first new years day. big fancy suits.
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i thought it was really great. the festivity of it. >> reporter: when club's finances dwindled she went to the crowd funding side, indy go, go and raised $1,400 so far. the community has made donations. and when rhonda costello of republic bank heard of the golden sunrise polite. >> foulke art, fill tray digs how could you not help. >> reporter: republic bank has donated $10,000. >> we love giving at the grass routes ever. we are a community bank. we love supporting our communities where we are. this is are important to us. >> reporter: $10,000 check from republic. >> that ten you this dollars check will keep golden sunrise on the street for another year. >> reporter: yes, the the club will live to strut, at least, through 2016. lisa thomas laury for "action news" at ten and phl17. >> we love seeing them instruments. >> we will see them again. >> yes. >> right here. >> on phl17. time for sports tonight. >> ducis rodgers live at the
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big board, ducis. >> hi there guys, eagles are fight to go get in the playoffs but in some respects the playoffs have already begun for them. they need to win saturday at washington to keep hope alive. scenarios are complicated for chip and company but it bills down like this. eagles need to win their last two games and hope cowboys lose one. we keep reminding you what is at stake, the birds, they don't need any reminders. >> we have everything to play for. i don't know how they are looking at the game but we are looking at it as a playoff game. we have very, very little chance of going to the playoffs if we lose. >> for them finishing out on a high net would be are beneficial for them. for us this is probably the most important game to date, if we lose this one, it is not good at all. we are probably out of the playoffs at this point. this is a a do or die situation at this point. >> birds will have to weather yet another injury, trent cole will in the play on saturday. the linebacker had surgery to repair a broken bone in his
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hand. there is no word on what his availability will be beyond this week. brandon graham will take his place in the starting line up. graham was asked if he he will feel more pressure stepping in. >> no, in pressure is over with. i'm excited. i know what i have been doing, i'm just excited because i get a lot more chances to get out there and make more plays for the team. >> we obviously went trent out there we will in the replace trent but bg has been playing all year and is having a great year and we are very confident that we will be just fine. >> redskins have gone back to rg3 at quarterback. he has been bad. team has been awful. redskins lost six straight game. they have won three all season. their coach jay gruden is still looking forward to this challenge. >> great opportunity for to us come out and play against a team fighting for their playoff lives and division title an see what we're made of. to see some of these young guys compete on the saturday afternoon begins division
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possible champion or a playoff team. it will be a great test for a lot of them. hopefully they will step up. >> the way we approach it is another opportunity to get out there and get better. we have to create positive momentum in the off season. this is one of those games. they have a lot riding on the line. we know they will come ready. we have to make sure we match that intensity good again, it is pretty much a must win game for birds on saturday. >> certainly is. >> we will be watching. >> ducis, thank you. talented group of student athletes got to take home a different kind of game ball tonight this was annual south jersey football award banquet honoring best players and team all across the region. kid and their coaches were recognized for their accomplishments, sport man ship on and off the field and accomplishments, sport man ship on and off the field and their academic
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check this on it, california surveillance cameras captured video of the bear clearly did not want to end up on santa's naughty list. you can see that bear sniffing around, at decorations of santa and then swatting him away incoming it down, but good news is presidentially that bear, moved on, and does not injure santa claus. >> you leave santa alone, bear. >> candicans in that santa, that santa would have been ripped apart. >> more like the holidays. >> it really is. >> put layers on, tomorrow morning, bus stop forecast showing a temperature will be in the 30's. wind chills though will be in
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the low 20's, and if you are driving east you will be dealing with a sun glare, tomorrow morning. the good news is, good amount of unshine throughout the day tomorrow but temperatures will be back to more seasonal levels at 10:00 o'clock 38 degrees. by 1:00 o'clock and 4:00 o'clock 42 degrees. we will reach a high right around 44 but gusty wind here all day long. we are looking at wind chills hovering in the mid 30's. bit of the shock to the system. >> thanks, cecily. >> thanks, cecily. thank for joining us tonight for "action news" at get ready for some german engineered holiday excitement. at the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. right now, for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a new volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta and the precisely engineered passat tdi. ah, the gift of clean diesel.
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hange that one. - (door opens and closes) - (cameron) i'm back. (singsongy) okay, let me see, let me see, let me see! - you guys are want to, um... - oh, my god! (high-pitched voice) i love it! all clear. okay, so-- (high-pitched voice) oh! oh! (normal voice) so good! it is so good! - oh! - for the last few months, cam and i have been redoing a house together that we're gonna flip, and i have to say, it has been goin' great! we make an amazing team. - yeah. the key is trust. - absolutely. the key is, i let claire think she's in charge. i hide what i want in something bigger and more expensive. then when she rejects that, we "compromise" on what i wanted all along. i call my method "the trojan horse." you know how i got lily? i asked mitchell for triplets.


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